Dienstag, 28. Mai 2013

Dokomi 2013 - Saturday and Sunday

Hey there everyone! (・。・)ノ

I know it took me damn long to post again, sorry, ahaha...
But here come two new posts: about the Dokomi convention and the "Japantag" (Japan-day) this year~
First of I'll start with the Dokomi.

We went there with Shinpei and Sammy, as nearly every year now.
This now pretty big convention (12,000 visitors!) took place at the convention center in Düsseldorf and I reserved my weekend-ticket kinda last minute..
It's sooo so amazing how much this convention has grown over the past 5 years. ♥

On saturday Aiji, Shinpei and me wore our Adekan-cosplays finally!
I was so happy to wear it finally  - and suddenly it was fucking cold for mid May. Σ(・口・)
Half of the day it was grey, windy and cold - but later in the afternoon the sun finally showed up!
...Buuut unfortunately we forgot our camera.. n__n
So here are just some kinda bad quality pictures~

I have to admit I loove this pic.. ;w;
I was so happy because of my weight loss I didn't even need to edit my legs, kyaahh!!

My beautiful Anri! ♥♥

Me derpin' but well..

Shinpeei and her amazing style~

Also one of my faves. u///u 

And here's the original: 

Those are all taken with my iPhone or a digital camera.. well we hoped to take some better pics at the "Japantag" but that is a different story...

On sunday I originally wanted to wear Kuu again.. but because it was supposed to rain and there should be a thunderstorm later I didn't want to in the end - so I wore my Mad Maya cosplay-thingy once again because Aiji wanted to wear my Ah hah! cosplay... haha.
...Buuuut the weather was fucking great all day! Damn it..
We also took our dolls with us and made some nice shots~

"Stop it!"

Eemil & Aiji ♥

Aiji loves the summer! ♥

Well, that was our Dokomi - quite nice but I'm still a little sad I couldn't wear my cosplays as planned...
We also met many nice people and friends, that made it a bit more happy! 
I'm already excited for next year! 


2 Kommentare:

  1. wow ihr saht ja super aus *___* WIrklich tolle Cosplays,sah nach ganz viel Spaß aus^^ Hätte euch gern auf dem Japantag gesehen aber musste ja arbeiten ;_;
    Dein Cosplay ist wiklrich toll, ich liebe ja Kimono *-*

  2. ihr saht richtigrichtig gut aus muss ich sagen *__* <333
